
The utm system uses townships and ranges.
The utm system uses townships and ranges.

the utm system uses townships and ranges.

Pinpointed by specifying the distance from an adjacent pair of one-minute section boundaries to the well. Within the one-minute section, the location is Each five-minute by five-minute quad is further subdivided into 25 one-minute by one-minute sections. The west and increasing to 92 in the east. The quads are assigned numbers (equivalent of the range) beginning with zero (0) in (equivalent of the township) beginning with "A" in the south and increasing through "Z" and "AA" to "GG" northward. The State is divided into a regular grid with each cell (or "quad") being five minutes of latitude by five minutes of longitude. The system was developed by the Carter Oil Company to mimic the township and range location system in areas

the utm system uses townships and ranges.

Grid, based on latitude and longitude, used to locate oil and gas well data in Kentucky. FAQ: What is the Carter coordinate system?

The utm system uses townships and ranges.